If you feel the Lord's calling to help support us financially, please contact Mission-Haiti or visit the website. Mission-Haiti will also have a "wish list" of material things we require/would appreciate from the states. Thank you for your interest in our needs. Through Mission-Haiti, our housing, food, and most of the cost-of-living will be provided for. Our need of financial support is to cover current student loans and health insurance while we are currently serving overseas. We cannot do any of this without support from those who have a heart for the physical and spiritual well-being of people in Haiti whom they may have never met - and may never meet. Such great faith that is! If you are interested in supporting us financially, please contact Mission-Haiti using the information below.
All donations are tax deductible.
May God bless your faithfulness; we are certainly are blessed through it!
All donations are tax deductible.
May God bless your faithfulness; we are certainly are blessed through it!
PO Box 2175
Sioux Falls, SD 570101
To donate online:
Visit the website above
There you can choose the amount or frequency of gift and
choose where you'd like your financial gift to be used.
If you'd like it to go to us specifically, you can choose "other" and type in "The Perissiens"
Your gift for donating is to gaze upon our SUPER-MISSIONARY photo. Enjoy!